Advanced Diving

Why continue training beyond Open Water Certification?

Open Water certification is like first learning to drive a car.

  • You have learned the basics and are allowed to drive on your own. But there is still a lot to learn and experience before you become a fully competent driver who is able to comfortably handle different situations.
  • With diving, after your Open Water certification, you become a better, safer, and more comfortable diver with experience and through coaching by a dive professional. The natural progression of formal training is through through the Advanced Open Water course.

Advanced diver expands your knowledge and skills across multiple diving scenarios.

  • 2 of the dives are focused on Deep diving and Underwater Navigation.
  • We'll choose 3 other areas based on your interest—such as Night, Buoyancy, Fish Identification, Wreck, or Drift diving.
Advanced Open Water

Specialty Courses

Nitrox scuba diver

Enriched Air Nitrox

Extend your dive times by breathing enriched air Nitrox (rather than the 21% oxygen in the regular air we breathe), which provides longer No Decompression Limits and shorter surface intervals

Rescue Diver


Become a more confident diver who is able to help your buddy and other divers solve problems they may experience. Many people say it's their favorite dive training course.

Inside of wreck

Other Specialties

Dive deeper (pun intended) into different areas of interest—like Wreck diving, Underwater Navigation, Dry Suit, Peak Performance Buoyancy.